Deepak Sharma (Depsun) Apps

The Directorate of Mushroom Research is located in Solan city ofHimachal Pradesh, endeared as the gateway of Himachal Pradesh, themountainous wonder of Solan city is famous for its culturalsplendor, numerous old temples and seasonal vegetable crops. Solanis widely popular for its mushroom cultivation and bearing thetitle of “Mushroom City of India”. ABOUT ICAR-MUSHROOM APPICAR-Mushroom App is basically designed for our valued farmingcommunity viz; Mushroom growers, Mushroom Entrepreneurs, MushroomResearchers and for students. Mushroom is an indoor crop grown inseasonal as well as in environment controlled cropping rooms. TheMushroom is a rich healthy food and having abundance of Vitamins& minerals including Vitamin D & can be grown on theagricultural waste. Therefore to popularize mushroom cultivationamong general masses, need was felt to provide a platform whereinstant information of mushroom can be made available to farmers.Therefore the present app is the result of our continuous efforts.Goal of Application 1) To popularize mushroom cultivation and itsnutritional & medicinal values, we need to promote mushroom inthe masses as health food. This app is developed to promotemushroom cultivation. 2) To notify interested mushroomentrepreneurs for mushroom training. 3) To promote crop advisory tomushroom growers. 4) To provide information about newly developedmushroom technologies by ICAR-DMR. 5) We can send Crop Advisory tomushroom growers through this app directly and can be saved forfuture reference. There are following active controls used in thisapplication DMR-HOME: Covers Photo with auto phone call link andauto mail link with DMR Official website link. SERVICES : Servicesprovided by ICAR-DMR Solan, for more details link redirected toparticular page of the website. HEALTH BENEFITS : CoversNutritional and Medicinal facts. MUSHROOMS: Photographs ofCultivated Edible and Poisonous mushrooms with description.TECHNOLOGIES: Technologies developed by ICAR-DMR PRODUCTS: Mushroomproducts photographs and its ingredients MUSHROOM PROFILE :Cultivation techniques of different types of mushroom PHOTO GALLERY: Covers all events photo gallery TRAINING: Provide completeinformation regarding mushroom training and its onlineregistrations. VIDEO : Provides Mushroom Cultivation Videos onYoutube channel FAQ : Covers frequently asked questions regardingmushroom and its cultivation. PROJECT FORMULATION: Rates forformulation of project report for setup mushroom farm CONTCTS:Contacts details LINKS : MyGov, DARE, Farmers Welfare, ICAR, ASRB,DMR-Solan CREDITS : Support and suggestions .. MESSAGING : In-AppMessage service provide Crop Advisory and News-Events updates toaudience. When the user will activate this app on their mobile, amessage balloon will appear on their gazette. This message willalso be available under Message link and will disappear from themessage area in particular set date and time.
mSpawn-Indian Mushroom Spawn Suppliers-Spawn Units
mSpawn App contains precise information about mushroomspawnpreparation and list of Spawn Producers in the country.mSpawnlocate the spawn units nearby you, by click on locate icon.mSpawnlocate your business by using Geo Mapping, also shows pathfromyour current location to selected spawn unit. All spawn unitsofthe country has been marked on Google Map. You may post yourspawnunit photo and any spawn related post on this app. The postedphotowill automatically updated on the map, at your location. Youhaveto register your name, email and mobile no before post anyPhoto.Mushroom spawn is simply any substance that has beeninoculatedwith mycelium, the vegetative growth of a fungus.Mycelium, athread-like collection of cells, is to a mushroom likean appletree is to an apple. You need to have one as the base forproducingthe other. The spawn is used to transfer mycelium onto anymaterialfrom which mushrooms will grow, called a substrate. Thereare manydifferent kinds of substrates, with straw, cardboard, logs,andwood chips just being a few examples.